Sunday, October 26, 2008

My little Halloween goblin

This is a picture of Momo when she was a kitten... although it appears that she is seconds away from killing the poor unsuspecting Papi... she didn't.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cat naps!

With all the playing that has been going on in the house lately.... Sleep is el necessito! Papi makes for a great pillow!
But sometimes I prefer to lay on mommy and daddy's bed and use my own little pillow to rest...

These guys prefer it too sometimes... just a little quiet time like the old days...

Kitten update: The cats are all getting along very well for only the 5th day. The first day Momo decided that she was going to slap Ella anytime she came too close... that has subsided... for the most part. Also, Papi tends to be very greedy when it comes to being fed and to having attention... he is becoming quite the gentlemen in dealings regarding food, and he seems to enjoy having someone to watch... all day long... play and play and play... But that goes for Mo too! I'm overall very happy with how all three have been getting along. What needs improvement??? Momo's snarky attitude... and Papi's rough and tumble play... he just can't understand that she's a 2 pound kitten that doesn't like to be pinned down.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maybe your not sooo bad...

I have found Ella has made Momo and Papi much more fond of each other... Papi doesn't think Mo stinks quite as bad as she usually does... and Momo... well, she doesn't slap as much. They even enjoy playing with each other again...
Ella has brought these two little naughty nuggins together once again!

Monday, October 20, 2008

What the...

Why didn't I blog yesterday? My husband was not happy with me...Because I accidently fell in love with this little beauty... Ms. Ella!
She's already made herself at home... and made a friend for life...Papi!
Momo is in the background... you can see her eyes light up in the paper bag. She's less than convinced.
She's truly a pretty little girl with lots of love and life in her.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Must find the smallest spot possible to sleep in.... oooohhh, this is comfy cozy!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dreaming of kitty days...

Don't you just wish every once in a while that you could see the innocent little kitty face from your now beautiful grown cat again?

Momo clasping on to a mousey in her favorite cubey that she likes to sleep in.Papi day dreaming about how he can take over the world...
So maybe it's not such an innocent face??
No....... it is.

Love you always...

Even though they play fight a lot...
This was the first day we got them! They loved each other then... Always so photogenic....
And still loving each other lots...

Momo taking care of her Papi... loving him tons....
And Papi taking care of his Momo.... loving her ALWAYS.